
2 minutes

After five years, it’s time to refresh this page. Back in time, this page was built with Jekyll. Jekyll is written in Ruby, and it has some nice themes which can be used out of the box. Overtime, this setup has become a burden to maintain. Additionally, content was not really existing – I have never thought beyond what else could exist on such a website.

So now it is time to revamp my personal web page with some (hopefully) interesting content. Feedback is highly appreciated! Every blog article has a feedback section at the end of the post!

What to expect?

Purpose of this website is to share the knowledge I have acquired as a professional. My plan is to start with topics about project management and agile software development. Additional topics about leadership and people management could be interesting as well, but it is not planned yet.

In addition, I plan to explore a range of personal projects. Many of these projects were inspired during my time managing IT at home. Other ideas are just dreams from my childhood and nowadays, I try to bring them to life when there is time besides my duties at work and at home with family and kids!

As I mentioned before, this page reflects my personal experience. It also means that my blog articles represent my personal opinion. I am neither a scientist nor do my blog articles match any scientific standards, still I am aiming for differentiated, fact-driven content.

If you are interested into such topics, stay tuned and come back to this page from time to time!

How is this page built?

For those of you who want to know how this page is built: This page is built with hugo. It is a static page generator written in Go. It is superfast in generating the content and I find their documentation useful and understandable.

Layout is done with bootstrap. I am definitely not an experienced fronted person, but I managed that part quit fast because this framework offers everything you need to get a decent layout.

I am hosting this entire web page on Their concept of a cooperative society (Genossenschaft) and the flexibility of their infrastructure is something, I highly appreciate. Besides that they use open-source software all over the place, and you can use “let’s encrypt” which is a big plus compare to big hosting services. For that reason, I have hosted my stuff at hostsharing since approx. teen years already, and I am still happy with the service and the freedom I get to customize my setup if needed. If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to check out their documentation.